31 Mac 2017

Tethering Internet Android-PC via PdaNet+

Android has been used worldwide as most effective devices to communicate with each other over the Internet. Tethering the Internet from an android to pc is no longer an issue. What if the tethering function created is not working well? 😄 

Recently, I have an issue in tethering or switching on wifi hotspot to my Windows 10 from Android Marshmallow 6.0, which both of the problems automatically turns back it off. 
There's a lot of causes which may leads to this error, but in my case, I'm mistaken did something horrible to my android and required me to re-flash the fresh firmware. Marshmallow is not a quite new version of android, but there is not much things available on the Internet such as "How to Fix Marshmallow Errors". I believe that lot of the post on random articles for fixing there problems are just copycats to make their sites more popular, but in fact, they are trash. Well, that is not the point I am writing right now. So I go back to the old-school.

As you can read on the title, yes, I am introducing you guys a 3rd party tools to temporarily fix my problem.

PdaNet+ is one of the popular tools that can enable you to share the internet through USB cable or Bluetooth. This tools is available for Windows and Mac. PdaNet+ is a free to use, but well, free edition will interrupt your usage and requires you to turn back on. Please click here to redirect to PdaNet+ site for more info and download link.

If you guys have any comment or suggestions, please let me know! 😋

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